Honeybee honeybee deep in the honeytree
Do not tell me to suck dry the tips of whip grass
Swan sway swan sway Ganges flows all day
Would you send me off then to the blasting seas?
Tale singer nightingale crooner carousing on the leaf drip
Who dares say, Excuse me, quiet please, eat dry leaf clippings
This robin rocking tail lit by the fullest moon
Try to redirect to fogbound swirl, see what happens to you
My feet on the lotus? No, my feet are the lotus!
All God? Gosh, I was looking over at you – shh.
No need this talking, this poem so obvious, shh.
Sing this one back to me

#111 Dripping Memory Series—Walnuts, oil on linen, 2013, by David de Biasio
–Bob Holman
Sensitive Skin 12 available here in PDF format here for just $4.95, or get the full-color print version via Amazon and select bookstores.
Photographs Poetry