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John J. Trause’s book of traditional and experimental poems, Why Sing?, presents a literary world ebbing between the call of the past and the allure of the future. Why Sing? seeks to create a new international and multicultural literary tradition, against and/or with manifestations of the avant-garde and conceptual. Decidedly anti-Romantic, Why Sing? forges new shining paths through ancient woods.
“Pardon my fall(ing) for John Trause’s Why Sing?. Between cicadas by day and crickets by night, this mad librarian, with a mind shelved with aisles & aisles of language addiction, has created a metaphoric twenty-four hour cycle, at once playful, humorous, enlightening and experimental. He is right on point with his conceptual tropes, inventive forms and encyclopedic knowledge, which keeps the reader running to Google every few pages. In the course of his librarian’s day, his mind wanders among the stacks, choosing volumes on all manner of being and existence, among them gemstones, Aeschylus, manatees, dragon flies, trees felled on the lawn of a childhood home, Godard & Waters, Bergman & Antonioni, hurricanes bounding the Jersey shore, and the rivers of the netherworld. Never mind the alliteration, Trause’s imagination has created worlds, not days, to get lost in. Why Sing? Why not? The poet has given us plenty to sing about.”
–Janet Hamill, author of Knock
“The range and playfulness of Why Sing? answers that question in a variety of lyrical modes. Trause is a one-man orchestra. Anyone who knows who Felix Paul Greve is and quotes him in German is an imp who knows much and isn’t shy about taking his singing babes into the agora.”
–Andrei Codrescu, author of The Art of Forgetting