Mastodon Episode 16 - Agneta Falk - Bernard Meisler - Podcasts - Sensitive Skin Magazine

Episode 16 – Agneta Falk

Agneta Falk in conversation with Bernard Meisler

Agneta Falk Sensitive Skin magazine podcast
Agneta Falk at Live Worms Gallery in North Beach, San Francisco.

I met poet and painter Agneta (Aggie) Falk at the Live Worms Gallery in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood. Aggie and a few friends recently took over the gallery, which was about to close, and are keeping it open, for gallery shows, readings and events. We spoke about her growing up in Sweden, moving to England and ending up in San Francisco in 1998, and how the rent is too damn high. Her most recent book is Heart Muscle, and she’s a regular figure in both the San Francisco and international poetry scenes. At around the 35-minute mark, Aggie reads us some terrific poems – make sure to listen to that!

The Sensitive Skin magazine podcast is now available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the other usual places, or listen to it here. New episodes every Monday!

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