Mastodon FREEDOM - Bob Holman - Poetry - Sensitive Skin Magazine



Thanks to Darryl Alladice

FREEDOM to put lima beans and black-eyed peas together
FREEDOM to take off BB King's watch
FREEDOM to shout "Let's hit it" on every Other beat
FREEDOM to look at everybody whenever you want with a nod and a tie-yr-shoes
FREEDOM to not shut up, Ever
FREEDOM of press-ure points
FREEDOM of speech-ifyng poetics tralalalalalolotratralalalala
FREEDOM of lemonade
FREEDOM to remember what you are doing in Montana
FREEDOM to adjust the height of the floor
FREEDOM to eat an all-poetry diet
FREEDOM to not write the poem, write the Other poem
FREEDOM to the second guy from the left 
FREEDOM of the f-bomb when appropriate and when inappropriate, well, 
        that’s up to you
FREEDOM for a march to be omnidirectional and you might not even be able to move
FREEDOM to turn off reality, and it ain’t on TV, bud
FREEDOM of Neanderthal, we all are
FREEDOM of rulers to measure backwards
FREEDOM of antique roadshow blowback
FREEDOM to sneeze with no “bless you”’s
FREEDOM to scratch somebody else's itch
FREEDOM to go home again, again
FREEDOM to land a helicopter in the yard at Angola Prison and just see what happens
FREEDOM to knit some pink pussy ears on Trump Tower (with a mighty roar) 
FREEDOM to love everybody's body simultaneously 
FREEDOM for the Freedom Riders to finally be able to get off the damn bus
FREEDOM to shout stop at the top of your lungs in the stock market: “STOP!”
FREEDOM to take a cellphone to court 
FREEDOM to get back on the horse,  knowing you are also the horse
FREEDOM of Omnis Animus Unam: All One Animal
FREEDOM of thoughtless behavior to reanimate itself as a suspension bridge leading to
                    a new consciousness that continues to invent itself until everyone crosses
                    over and no tolls either

–Bob Holman


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