Mastodon Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #8 - Kristin Mathis, Drew Hubner, Gregory Pardlo - The Editors - Readings - Sensitive Skin Magazine

Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #8 – Kristin Mathis, Drew Hubner, Gregory Pardlo

The eighth in the Sensitive Skin magazine series of Zoom quarantine readings, featuring:

– Kristin Mathis (Brooklyn!) – 2:35
– Drew Hubner (Brooklyn!!) – 14:35
– Gregory Pardlo (Brooklyn!!!) – 32:08

Subscribe to our YouTube channel SenstiveSkinTV today and check out the other readings in this series, as well as various events going back to the ancient halcyon days of the ’90s.

has a background in Classics and is a poet, educator, translator, and activist based in Brooklyn. Her translations of Sappho were published in Ezra (May 2019), and her own poems have appeared in such journals as Ars Medica, The NonBinary Review, MomEgg Review, Brain Child, The Café Review, The Maine Review, and The Commonline Journal. Her day job is as the Pedagogical Administrator of the Brooklyn Waldorf School, a Pre-K through Grade 8 school in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

According to New York magazine, “writes like men used to.” Born in New Jersey, he was homeless at 30 and sold his first novel six years later. He didn’t know what hit him either time. Father of three teenagers, he’s taught writing & literature at over 20 colleges, including CUNY, UCLA & The New School. He is the author of AMERICAN BY BLOOD, WE PIERCE and EAST OF BOWERY.

Gregory Pardlo’s ​collection​ DIGEST (Four Way Books) won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. Other honors​ include fellowships from the Cullman Center of the New York Public Library, the Guggenheim Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts for translation; his first collection Totem won the APR/Honickman Prize in 2007. He is Poetry Editor of Virginia Quarterly Review and Director of the MFA program at Rutgers University-Camden. His most recent book is AIR TRAFFIC, a memoir in essays.

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