Mastodon There is No Brooklyn Bound F Service - Jennifer Juneau - Poetry - Sensitive Skin Magazine

There is No Brooklyn Bound F Service

There is No Brooklyn Bound F Service

no F trains from this station, the sign says
at 42nd street & sixth avenue (where you spent your day)
to get to the lower east side (where you’ll spend your night)
you must take the D train downtown to w 4th street
transfer to the F train on the upper platform
since this track is express
you must ride back downtown to brooklyn past delancey street (your stop)
and switch at jay street metro tech
walk upstairs and back downstairs to the F train uptown local
past york street
past e bway
to delancey street
on the way home to brooklyn
no F trains running from delancey street
you must take the J train downtown to fulton street
transfer to the F train downtown local on the A train platform
listen to the conductor over the intercom inaudible static
in the heat of subway stations in the confusion of broken tracks
men work in hard hats
the train is picking up speed
it’s the beginning of summer
thank god you took a shower
a woman is talking to herself
a man is jerking off
he’s barefoot
may be on drugs
you can’t believe ellen doesn’t like the beatles
come to think of it, lisa just gave up
you wonder what’s in your refrigerator
the lady sitting next to you is reading your text
did the mets win?
the ac doesn’t work
you can understand why the who smashed their guitars
what made you suddenly think of that?
god’s teaching us a lesson, a man says
to test us, a lady says
to get us to pray, another lady says
jay street metro tech, and thank god
doors open
and you rise up finally finally finally
you rise to meet the moon
in all its glorious light

–Jennifer Juneau


3 thoughts on “There is No Brooklyn Bound F Service

  1. A good poem. Ironically, the title of my next book will be, taking the F train (for NYQ books in late 2018 or early 2019) Your poem really resonates, since I recall one of the many days that happened, in part.

  2. Really love this poem. From the perspective of Berlin, it’s makes me homesick and makes me wish New York had a transit system like Berlin

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