Here’s the complete list of all the pieces from our 13th issue, along with the back cover, a collage of mugshots from the collection of Mark Michaelson, submitted for your perusal. If you’d like to support us, please purchase a copy, available here in PDF format here for just $4.95, or get the full-color print version via Amazon and select bookstores.
Mesrine—Jacques Mesrine (translated by Catherine Texier & Robert Greene)
Four Poems—Hal Sirowitz
Horse Track Portraits—Justin Clifford Rhody
The Storm—Peter Blauner
Code of Violence—Thaddeus Rutkowski
Contours of the Irreal: Paintings by David de Biasio—Erik Noonan
Welcome to All the Pleasures—Robert C. Hardin
The Calf—D. James Smith
Love and Strangulation—Carl Watson
Fairies—Julia Kissina
Santa Barbara-1980 / San Francisco-1982—Matt McClaren
Beaches in Cornwall, Apples in Devon, A Foot in London—Christopher Romero
The 9 Lives of Ray the Cat Jones—Stewart Home
Marine 1-10—Max Blagg/Alex Katz
Mugged By A Movie Star—B. Kold
Meet the Beats—Hilary Holladay
Narcissa—Jonathan Shaw
A Bad Day—Ron Kolm
I’m Starving—Patrick O’Neil

What Not
Hello, I am looking to get in touch with Rob Hardin. I was a friend of Susan Walsh’s and wanted to talk to him.